3D strategic negotiations

Learn how to strategically negotiate and think in 3D using mind maps.

Always be a step ahead!

A professional negotiator disposes the ability to create agreements also in situations where two parties hold diametrically different points of view. The following abilities are essential for this task:  

  • – quickly find your footing in the maze of communication
  • – be internally flexible
  • – promptly estimate the intentions of others
  • – anticipate the successful conclusion of negotiations

A good negotiator is able to choose and apply the correct strategy for reversing and averting a serious conflict or disagreement. Moreover, a good negotiator is able to build up a good relationship even with a demanding or complicated client.

In the training I will teach you:

  • you will learn how to prepare a 3D strategy using mind maps
  • you will learn how to observe elements that will develop your intuition at estimating your client
  • you will experience real bargaining
  • how to work with rapport in communication

In the training you will gain a routine of how:

  • how to incorporate as many potential benefits and arguments as possible into your strategy
  • ow to include the counterparty’s estimated expectations, value orientation, strategy, arguments and attitudes into your preparation
  • how to evaluate and verbalise the risks and winnings of potential bargaining outcomes

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